Getting A Pedicure In Puerto Vallarta The Facts


Our feet take a beating in Puerto Vallarta. We have an amazing collection of open toe sandals, from flip flops to fancy huaraches.  Sneakers and hiking boots fill the remainder of our assortment of shoes. With toes showing most of the time, we like them to look pleasant, rather than gnarly and dirty. More than that however, is the importance of foot fitness. It’s not simply about pampering yourself. The benefits to your general health are significant.

Pedicures and manicures are accompanied by foot and hand massages that help to improve blood circulation. This type of treatment also improves mobility for your joints. A weekly visit won’t just keep your hands and feet looking young, you’ll feel better, too! If you maintain your nails on a regular basis, you are more likely to avoid fungi and other ailments. Removing dead skin cells does more than make your hands and feet attractive; it encourages new cell development and builds strength. We’re not the only one with bad habits of picking cuticles and this leaves them dry, cracked and at times, bleeding and sore. A professional can help with this annoying tendency and it’s very de-stressing, as well.

Manicures and pedicures have long been available and highly recommended for men and women and we love the fact that color is acceptable for males these days, especially in Puerto Vallarta, whether you are straight or gay. Why allow women to have all the fun and flash?

 You can’t beat the cost of these services in Puerto Vallarta. Whether it’s a simple procedure you’re after or a medical treatment, the prices are better than anything you will find north of the border. We love the attention to detail, even in the small spa shops, where a pedicure runs from $120 to $250 (pesos).  For a complete medical treatment, we suggest visiting Dr Paty. She is a bona fide medical doctor and her staff is specially trained technicians with degrees; their clinic is inside the CMQ hospitals, in Puerto Vallarta (Basilio Badillo location) and Bucerias.

 As podiatrists (podogola), they treat infections, fungi, calluses, and other problems that afflict feet. They don’t do the expected water soak, but use an antibacterial gel. Believe it or not, this service is only $300 pesos. Appointments can be made by calling 223 0878. Check out their Facebook page for reviews.

We also like to visit the nail salons in Puerto Vallarta to support this community and there is where we find an array of incredible colors. For Mexican celebrations, we like a combination of red and green, which also works for Christmas. Or blue and gold for Hanukkah. Sports teams give a chance to double up on color; for example…Seattle, green and blue; Denver, orange and navy blue; New Orleans, black and gold. Some technicians are adept at painting small flowers and designs.

For your health and beauty, take care of your feet!

Que es cómo es.


Thanks to our guest blogger Adam Garcia for this article!

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