
Puerto Vallarta News: In Case Of Emergency

In Case of an Emergency

We’re passing this along from Pamela Thompson, Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta, who believes such information can’t be shared too much. According to Pamela, there are too many people unaware of the following, some of which can be lifesaving. If you know anyone unaware of this list, please direct them to this blog.

It’s important to keep vital information in a safe place in your home. Friends in the US have a magnet on their refrigerator door with a note telling succinctly where to find all their key information, in case of an emergency. Make sure you let someone know where you keep documents and copies. Post an emergency number on your fridge of someone you trust who can be called to assist, if need be.

Make copies of everything and keep the copies in a separate place. Let your confidante know where all these items are kept.

You should have a folder or big manila envelope with copies of your passport, emergency contact information in your home country with complete names, phone numbers, relation to you, email addresses and physical address.

If you’re a home owner, have a copy of your escritura (property title).

Pet information: names, veterinarian, name, phone number and email, of someone who will take care of them.

You should have a will; no need to tell you that, right?

Copies of your insurance card and any pertinent information regarding insurance, Medicare, your personal doctors, their names and phone numbers, affiliated hospitals.

A list of your medications and dosages. If you are hospitalized, this is vital.

Banking information and name, phone number and email of your beneficiary. If you’re in hospital, someone needs to have access to your funds.

Register online with your consulate: If you were to die in Puerto Vallarta and have no family members, you must have a notarized affidavit appointing a person of confidence to handle the disposition of your remains. You can get this form from Pamela if you so needed. Canadians: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/registration

US Citizens: https://step.state.gov/step

At least one friend needs to have access to your home in Puerto Vallarta. If you can’t come to the door, make sure you have someone you trust who can.

Believe it or not, if you live in a gated community, Las Moras for example, an ambulance can’t get in without the security guards being alerted by you or an authorized person.

Know enough Spanish to be able to give your address with a cross street for Emergency Services when they arrive (these people usually don’t speak English but they are compassionate and want to help you.) If you live in a condo, it’s important to let them know where’s your unit in relation to the building (ie: NW corner, up one flight, next to the angel statue; give any and all helpful details. Have your apartment number clearly marked.) Guards don’t know names and locations of tenants.

Your life could depend on this information being readily available.

Que es cómo es.

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